I’m Eric Johnson. I am studying Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering at the Missouri University of Science and Technology.
I am involved in the Missouri S&T Multirotor Design Team, working with both the hardware and software teams, and acting as firmware liaison.
I have my Amateur Extra class amateur radio license, and I am involved with my school’s amateur radio club (WØEEE).
In my free time, I enjoy tinkering, and working on various personal projects, usually involving software, hardware, or a mixture of both. I also enjoy camping, hiking, and just spending time outside (the picture on the front page is from a trip I took to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in July of 2020).
Some of the projects I work on might be interesting to other people out there, so I like to document them here. If you have any questions about anything on this site, please feel free to contact me.